Newslines Summer 2017
The Roundup
an ongoing plan to redevelop and reconstruct areas of the course for which new machinery was required. I knew I needed Toro to help the team make it a premier golfing destination and I was happy to commit to Toro in a five-year rolling plan.” Involved in stage one of the plan is a Toro Groundsmaster 4500-D bringing, says Dave, a “wider-cut to the roughs”, a Reelmaster 3100-D “for bank work”, and a time-tested Greensmaster 3250-D for a precise, fine finish on the greens. The deal was negotiated by Elliot Wellman from Devon Garden Machinery who has more “The Reelmaster 5010-H’s PowerMatch technology greatly reduces fuel consumption and therefore our impact on the environment. We value biodiversity, so the fact that the more fuel- efficient electric cylinder drive reduces exhaust pollution and removes oil leaks are bonuses that won’t upset wildlife or players.” In addition to the Reelmaster 5010-H the club purchased a Groundsmaster 4500-D, Workman HDX, ProCore 648 pedestrian aerator and a Greensmaster TriFlex 3400 to join its existing Toro fleet. Greetham Valley Golf Club has been a Toro customer for 23 years and Adrian says he’s “always been able to rely on Reesink’s customer service”. “We remain exclusively loyal to Toro thanks to this service and the machines’ reliability. The machines are always of great build quality and the investment is worth every penny – especially as Toro’s reputation means they will have a great resale value in years to come.” Adrian heads up a team of nine greenkeepers, one gardener and one mechanic. On top of maintaining 45 holes, Greetham’s greenkeeping team use their skills and Toro machinery to tackle sports pitch maintenance and landscaping jobs in the surrounding area.
prevents the ground from flooding and lets air, light and all the good stuff in.” The TYM T433 tractor is the perfect choice for aerating the pitches and relieving compaction, as it’s powerful enough to pull attachments such as a deep tine aerator without damaging the turf. It was purchased as part of an order including a Toro Groundsmaster 3280-D and a Toro Reelmaster 5510-D and is considered by Peter to be an investment for the future: “We have plans to invest in a brush attachment for working in topdressing sand and for sweeping morning dew off the outfield in preparation for early cricket matches.”
Environment Greetham goes greener
Maintenance and repair Turf triumphs over weather with TYM
Environmental Golf Course of the Year, Greetham Valley Golf Club, has a conscientious environmental attitude as shown by its recent decision to purchase the Toro Reelmaster 5010-H hybrid mower, known for its ability to cut fuel consumption by up to 20 percent. Ecological best practice is important to Greetham, it has implemented initiatives including reducing chemical usage, controlling pests, disease and weeds using holistic methods, creating wildflower meadows and constructing 17 new ponds. Course manager Adrian Porter says: “The environment and sustainability is at the forefront of the club’s mind. As an industry- leading innovator with greener mowing options, Toro matches our forward-thinking approach.
of an understanding of the club’s requirements than usual for a dealer, having worked at the club for 16 years as a greenkeeper! Elliot says: “Knowing the club as I do, and with an understanding from Dave of its ambitions for the future, these Toro choices are wise ones. It’s incredibly exciting watching the changes the club is making; it’s now one of the most successful clubs in the area, which is a great achievement for all involved.” It’s not often you come across a club which has the support and backing of a member as its owner and an ex-employee as its dealer. The understanding that T433. As soon as conditions are right, which is normally around September, we aerate the rugby pitches every three weeks right through to the end of the season. This relieves soil compaction, In the past six years St Joseph’s College has only cancelled one weekend of sport due to severe frost. Brought onto the superb sporting facilities at St Joseph’s College to maintain this streak is a TYM T433 compact tractor, which tows an aerator for relieving compaction and aiding turf health. Head Groundsman, Peter Hamilton, who opted for the T433 based on a demo and a fellow groundsman’s recommendation, says: “In the winter months the aerator doesn’t come off the
In the winter months the aerator doesn’t
come off the T433. Peter Hamilton Head groundsman, St Joseph’s College
this combination brings to the running of the club alongside a talented head greenkeeper such as Dave will undoubtedly bring it even greater success in the next two years.
Course redevelopment and reconstruction
Pivotal point in history sees commitment to Toro
When Dave King moved to Cricket St Thomas Golf Club in Somerset as head greenkeeper two years ago, the club was at a pivotal point in its history. It had come under new ownership by a member, Steve Hill and his wife Jacqui, had been re-branded and a major investment in the future of the club was underway. “The club has undergone quite the transformation since it was bought,” says Dave. “And there’s
08 . news lines . summer 2017
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